Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For Love is the most powerful word and action, man was ever taught; Love is what we are and children are the greatest gift of Love.

    Well I said I was going to blog every day BUT that didn't happen! I figured if I do every two weeks or so I would have more things to talk about.

  Ok so last time I wrote something we were in St. Paul, AB staying with Jaa (he was working up there and we got to spend the week with him.) Anyway, he isn't working there for a while because sometime in the middle of the on February 10, 2011 the building they were working on caught fire and burnt down! It sucks because it was almost done!! Make that triple suck! So now Jaa gets to work in town and come home every night! I love it BUT that would mean that once the building in St. Paul is back up (because apparently they are tearing it down and rebuilding it) he will be gone again..and that's probably going to be in the summer time too! *Dislike*

  I finished my first round of Clomid on 02/10/11, I was messed up! I craved food..a lot of food..especially chocolate and blueberry muffin! I was moody! My mood meter went from 'happy' to 'grumpy' in 10 seconds! Oh we know what to expect.

  On 02/16/11 I had to get some blood work done for Progesterone. They want to make sure that everything is normal and that I ovulated. On 02/25/11 my doctor finally had some "appointment space" to see me..well everything is good, thyroid, LH, LSH, Progesterone, all that looks great! So he ordered a fingers were crossed and all hopes...only to hear a BFN! Ugh that makes me slightly annoyed. So back on clomid again!

  Today is March 2nd and I start my second round of clomid. *Weak yay* Since the blood work came back excellent and further informed me that I ovulated I am confident that it will remain like that this time..we must've just missed the big 'O'..although we did BD almost every night that we're supposed to. I am hoping that this time it will work and we get a BFP! 

  I also have a new obsession..SHOES! Well it's not really "new" I've always been a shoe whore..but my obsession toned down a bit after my son's birth until recently when I discovered "SHOEDAZZLE" !!! I love love love it! Cheap price for really awesome shoes! Anyway, I will post pics of my ever growing shoe collection later on :)

  This is what's going on in my life right now. Braelan is getting bigger and smarter everyday. He can count up to 20 without messing up and he knows the alphabet..heck he is even learning how to spell now! I love it! He makes me so proud and every time he achieves something I always tear little baby boy is growing up and soon he'll be going to school full time! 


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