When was the last time I blogged...
Ok, I'm not going to lie and say "I didn't have time", or "I have been super busy", or "There is just not enough time in the day to blog"..I simply did not have anything to say..!
Well here's what's new...
-Jaa is barely home nowadays. He is between two jobs in Vermilion and St. Paul; he is gone during the week but comes back on weekends. Braelan misses him terribly and so do I. Luckily, we got to spend the whole week with him last week! His awesome boss suggested that Braelan and I should go up to St. Paul and stay with him in his "company paid for" hotel room. I was astounded more than Jaa when I found out that they would let me and Braelan tag along with him! It was a nice little getaway for us and I will forever be grateful.
-Jaa is doing really well at work. Needless to say he's been there for over four years and he is pretty devoted to his job (not that he isn't at home.) You can look at it both ways, the positive is that he is never a target for getting "laid-off" or getting "fired". He's never mentioned anything about leaving the company he's working for..not because he is happy or unhappy, he is very happy and content with his job. Jaa doesn't want to leave us at home by ourselves. We know that him being away is only temporary because he has another project here at home. He didn't want to be the kind of dad that his kid will never get to know. There had been many opportunities where Jaa could have worked for someone else and be away from home for more than 7 days (this was way back, before Braelan even turned one.) He would've made more money BUT he would've missed out on his son's daily progress. He chose to stay because he knew what meant more to him. I'm very proud of Jaa's success, although he has progressed slower than the others it was his good reputation and great workmanship that he never lacked. Anyways, (haha) his boss has decided to give him a company work van that he can take home with him and use everyday. He is not a journeyman yet, but his boss definitely saw his hard work and potential. It was well deserved!
-Braelan is almost three years old! My little baby isn't so little anymore. On September 25th, 2010, we had his 3rd birthday party celebration just with close friends and family. He was ecstatic! He received a bunch of gifts and he loved his "train-shaped" cake! We are very happy that it turned out right and everyone enjoyed themselves. His real birthday is on September 28th..(which is tomorrow!!!) I still can't believe that he is turning 3! Where did the time go?? He is super smart; he knows the different colors and shapes; he can count from 1 to 20 and knows the alphabet..all before he is even three years old! It brings such joy (and tears) to us. The way that he is becoming more and more independent and we can actually have real conversations with him! It is definitely amazing and I'm very glad that neither Jaa nor I have to miss out on this. Braelan also has baby chores, he likes cleaning up his room after he plays, he likes to hold the dust pan when we're sweeping the floor! He can go to the bathroom by himself and get up on the toilet without a step-stool. He can wipe his own bum (and I always check his bum to make sure its clean..and IT ALWAYS IS!) He is definitely growing and everyday I feel like he won't ever need my help anymore..it's a bittersweet happiness.
-Braelan starts Preschool! On October 4th, 2010 Braelan will start his first day of Preschool. He will attending once a week on Mondays for two hours a day. We took him with us when we registered and I know that he is going to love it! They have a huge indoor playground and they have their own lockers! Here's to the beginning of school expenses, volunteering, making lunches, not missing the parent-teacher meeting, recitals and practices, and years of birthday parties full of kids! =)
So overall that is all I have to say. I could talk about our upcoming 6th year anniversary..but that's not until October 1st..so I will talk about it then =)
Much Love!

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