For Love is the most powerful word and action, man was ever taught; Love is what we are and children are the greatest gift of Love.
So, Jaa got me the new Fluval Edge 6 gallon fish tank for our anniversary! I love it so much! It is very stylish and contemporary and very calming and nice to look at. The design and the way it's engineered is somewhat sketchy because only part of the whole tank is sitting on the base that comes with the whole thing. Then another piece sits on top and together it creates a very stylish, modern look! Take a look at the pictures and see for yourself.
I don't have very detailed pictures of the base and every pieces that comes with it. Inside this black piece located at the back is a very powerful Hagen*Fluval Edge filter. It is made for it and you have to buy the one made for this tank. It's not very expensive and you would only have to change the filter at least once a month if you want to maintain a healthy tank and healthy fish. If you want more detail Google "Fluval Edge Aquarium" and you should be able to find detailed info about the tank itself and reviews. I personally love it! The tank is all glass, it's the first 3D tank. There is a small opening on top where that top black piece is covering so you can access the inside for decorating, cleaning, and feeding the fish. The set comes with 2 small halogen light bulbs that gives off heat and provides ample lighting for the tank. I don't have a heater for my tank because I find that the halogen lights give enough heat to keep the water warm at 80 Fahrenheit.
I decided to use white sand instead of gravel for this tank. I don't really think that gravel will put the edge on this Edge and make it more stylish and high-end! We also have a 55 gallon with natural looking pebbles (I will talk more about it later on another blog.) My Fluval Edge has a few rocks, the one in the middle is an expensive "petrified" rock from Big Al's in Edmonton. It is the center focal point or the point of interest in this tank. It's a very nice rock. The other flat rocks you see are from another pet store and I've decided to stack them on corners. I have all live plants in this tank, no fakes. I have 2 live sword plants and 2 live mandos, and 1 moss ball. I love how my tank is set up. It's beautiful and I love staring at it!
I have a thermometer in it to make sure that the temperature is nice and comfortable for the fish. In the photo above you will see two Bala Sharks. I have a few more fish in there now which you will see in the pictures below.
Here you will see one of my bala sharks, 2 albino tetras (the white-cloudy looking fish), you will also see a small striped Severum at the back if you look closely. The Severum is a type of a non aggressive cichlid. He is small right now but will eventually get bigger. He will not live in this tank for a long time, I will eventually have to transfer him in to our huge tank. He is only here temporarily. Oh and if you notice there is a little fish on the bottom left hand side, that is one of my zebra danios.
This is Molly the balloon molly! They look so cool, almost like a puffer fish =) I wanted to get a molly in the tank..and what better choice than to get a balloon molly..the coolest looking molly of all mollies!
The Fluval Edge tank from another point of view! Oh, the tank is set on top of a wood and wrought iron wine/serving rack. Its a very nice little table to set our new tank. By the way, the fluval edge comes in three different base color, Burnt Orange, Black, and Pewter. I wanted a Pewter color so bad but every PetSmart in Canada only have them in Black. The only place that had them in Pewter was Big Al's in Edmonton BUT they were more expensive! The black isn't so bad actually..the sand and the rocks just makes it pop!
A very nice picture of the bala shark. Of course the picture was taken by me. Too bad about the smudge on the tank that I didn't notice until after I took the picture.
If you can see, there's a tiny striped fish just above the petrified rock...that is one of the zebra danios. And if you notice on the right side, middle part of the photo there is a tail..that is the Pictus Catfish' tail. Unfortunately I didn't capture him in the photo because those darn catfish swim fast! They just never stop moving..ever.
Well there you have it. Hope you liked my little blog about my little tank. Yes, I am trying to convince you to get one because they are nice and takes very little to maintain. Even if you want a bigger tank you can still have this. We have a 55 gallon fish tank and that didn't stop us from getting this. We love fish tanks, if we could have more we would. We are looking in to upgrading to a bigger tank eventually..probably next summer(2011.) It's our hobby and I don't think we'll ever get tired of the maintenance.
Fish tanks are so calming and if you actually do your research well you will find that fish tanks are commonly used for people that have stress disorders, youths that have issues, and its overall appearance brings Zen into peoples lives.
*Much Love!*