Today Jaa gets home from being away for 10 days due to work. We are so excited! Braelan misses him so much! I think today will go by fast just like any other day. Braelan slept in this morning until 10am! Yup, 10 o'clock this morning! He went to bed at 10pm last night, but he never had a nap so that makes a difference. He rarely takes a nap nowadays, he's very active and likes to run around a lot.
Today's agenda includes a possible trip to the spray park again. I hope that it stays sunny and hot so it won't be too chilly. Other than that there is really not much to do, I'm having a "Father's day" supper for Jaa tonight because he wasn't home for the actual Father's day. His birthday is also coming up this Friday..and I'm stressing out a little as to what I'm going to serve for his party. I may have a vague idea but its the prepping that's going to be a little stressful..but that's OK..its gonna be fine.
*Much Love*
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