Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 3, 2010

For Love is the most powerful word and action, man was ever taught; Love is what we are and children are the greatest gift of Love.

       We have recently redecorated our 55 gallon fresh water fish tank, one week ago today. We've added some fine white sand and more live plants. Our fish tank is a cozy home for our two Angelfish, one Three-spot Gourami, one gold Gourami, one Opaline Gourami, one Pearl Gourami, one Pleco, and two Shubunkins. The tank has a wood trim and the stand also coordinates with the fish tank. We scored pretty big when we bought this tank! We got it second hand from a lady in Bashaw, AB back in April 2010. She had to downsize her tank because the 55 gallon wouldn't fit in the office where she wants the fish tank to go. She paid over $1000 US dollars for both the tank and the stand together plus the gravel and all the gadgets she had to have in able to run a fish tank. BUT guess how much she sold it to us??? She gave it to us for $150 (Canadian) cash! We were astounded! There was absolutely nothing wrong with the tank, no leak, no broken pieces, it was absolutely in 110% excellent condition! 
   (ABOVE) This was the set up that we had when we first got the tank. Of course the picture was taken a few weeks later. I loved the very natural looking gravel/pebbles. We bought more plants, most were fake because we had a Jack Dempsey that would probably ravage live plants. He did manage to pull the plants and dig the gravel but we would always fix it right away. Sadly, we got rid of our Jack Dempsey because we miss having a nice community tank instead. We still had our 37 gallon running which was the previous home to our  two tiny angelfish and three-spot gourami. We've just recently added the gold, pearl, and opaline gouramis 2 months ago. 
   When we first got this tank it had an undergravel filtration which we didn't like the most for biological reasons (if you google and research you will know why.) Some people prefer it but we personally don't. We bought a Top Fin 60 Dual Filter from PetSmart and also added an extra Top Fin 15 filter on the left side so that we would have a good filter system in our tank. 

    We change all our filters once every 3 weeks and do a water change once every week. This method has worked for us for the last 6 months and all our fish stayed healthy and happy. Below you will see a few pictures of the tank and some our pet fish.
     This is a little bit of a close up photo of the tank. I had the flash turned on so it created a very different image. We have a mixture of both fake and live plants but I think eventually we will get rid of some of the fake plants and stick with live plants which is beneficial to the fish' environment.
   We chose to keep the gravel along with the white sand and create a very different looking set up. We also made the left side dense with more plants and the right side with just wispy plants like the corkscrew val and small ludwigia. We also have a couple live horn worths and sword plants.
This is Lulu, Jaa's black Angelfish.
more of Lulu.
Here you'll see Lemon, my yellowish/gold Angelfish. 
more of Lemon...and a little bit the the pearl gourami on the right side!
   We've had Lulu and Lemon since beginning of April 2010. They were half the size of what they are now! We love them so much and they definitely have distinguished personalities than the other fish. They remember us and seem to interact with us when we are looking at them. It's really hard to explain without sounding like a crazy fish owner HAHA! 
Pearl Gourami
Haha, it's really hard to see and identify them here if you've never seen our fish before. The fish you see to the right is the Gold Gourami. If you look closely in the middle you will a fish looking right at the camera, that is the three-spot Gourami. If you look just above the three-spot gourami you will see a blue and white marble looking fish (you can't see its head, just the body), that is the Opaline Gourami.
Three-spot Gourami close up.
Our fish' are so funny! Everytime they see us standing in front of the tank they all gather in front because they think its feeding time! Like the photo you see above.
   Another we bought for our tank is a Moonlight Lighting System for 55 gallon tanks. We bought it on eBay for $50, you will find a bunch of different types but I would only buy from someone who knows exactly what he's talking about. Our MLS did not come from China, it came from the US and was made in the US so it's guaranteed to work and last for a very long time. It's basically a set of blue LED lights that serves as a Moonlight lighting at night. It's definitely better than turning the fluorescent light off completely at night. have to do this in able for your fish to distinguish the difference between light and day. If your fish is constantly on the bright light it might stress them. Think of the ocean, the sun isn't always shining down. The moonlight system was definitely a great buy because not only does it provide some lighting to the tank but any light colored fish or gravel or plants or rocks that you have in your tank will glow. It is very nice for night viewing only. 

     The pictures are a little hard to capture at night due to the fact that blue lights are a little harder to see or look at. Other than that it is beautiful!

   Anyway, our 55 gallon fish tank will be around for awhile unless we upgrade to a bigger tank eventually. We have spent quite a bit of money to maintain our tank but mostly I think because we buy fish, plants, and decorations for it. We wanted our tank to look as natural as possible not crazy-like with multi-colored gravel and outrageous decorations. It's something we love to do as a hobby and something that we are very proud of! :)

*Much Love!*

Friday, October 1, 2010

For Love is the most powerful word and action, man was ever taught; Love is what we are and children are the greatest gift of Love.

     Today is my 6th year anniversary with my long time partner Jaa. It's too bad that I didn't get to wake up next to him this morning because he's been gone to work since Monday morning, but lucky for us he gets to come home tonight and be home all weekend! I'm very excited and happy with everything despite the fact that I have a bad cold and I just feel like a total bag of smashed sh*t (not that I would literally know how that feels, just metaphorically.) 
   Well, I'm supposed to go do some shopping but I am just not up to it. If I could send Braelan to someone who will watch him for free I would, so that I could sleep and just rest in silence..but that would be just too convenient to ever happen in real life. I'm a stay-at-home mom and I'm supposed to suck it up...well there's a realization. Anyway, I hope this cold will go away real soon. I hate being sick and I'm sick of people spreading it around..if colds and flu are money, then please pass it on to me. 

   This anniversary stinks because we can't really do anything mainly because I would rather crawl back into bed and stay there until I feel better..and we've given away our money to charities..sarcastically, yes that means bills. Hopefully we'll get to do something next weekend; We are supposed to go to the Comic Strip in Edmonton to see Bobcat Goldthwait live..we were planning on going to the dinner and comic thing BUT realized that we are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner that weekend with the entire we can kick that idea of comic strip dinner right in kisser. Do I sound like I'm complaining?? No, I'm really not complaining..I am simply venting..on my online blog! Go figure. 

   Do people really read this blogs? No, I don't think know why..because nobody gives a rats a$$ about anybody's's really that simple. Nothing they say will make you feel better because even if you did feel better you are still worrying..and saying things like, "I'm fine" or "Now I feel better"..who are you really kidding?? You might feel a little ease but you will never stop worrying about everything...unless of course you're single, young, and have a lot of moolah to blow. People can comment all they want about your blog..but ask yourself something..has anyone said anything to you completely out of the ordinary?? People will kiss a$$ and say nice things but really they're thinking of the opposite. 
   People say things like, "Oh don't worry hun, things will get better." Really?? How?? Because if you can explain this to me and really make me believe that things will get better then you, my friend, are a genius! And seriously..what is it with people who all of the sudden act like they have something in common with you?? There you are simply looking for answers and trying to figure something out and all of the sudden a swarm of people will start talking about their lives and how "it just really, really sucks!" I don't know about you but if I have a problem I will usually talk about it with my parents or my bes-test best friend or ask around some close friends and get ideas...Ummm hello?? I have a problem to figure out. I don't really feel like wasting time listening to a bunch of people tell me stories of the past and how it affected them, thank you very much. 

   So I've concluded that I like venting on here because even if people will or have read this and wish to comment..I can always delete it. I used to have a diary but why write when you can type. I guess I could start a diary using Microsoft words..but I don't really have anything to hide. Plus, having a blog like this is nice..its a free freakin' prepared for to explore my opinionated mind! =)

  *Much Love!*